Apr 07 2017 Which Marketo Certification is Right for You?
In the previous article we discussed the three Marketo certifications and how they benefit you as a user. This article will continue to guide you in your pursuit to becoming a marketing automation specialist.
Whether you’re starting an internship, a seasoned marketing consultant, or a marketing director, you need to weigh your options before pursuing a Marketo certification. Here are a few guidelines on choosing what’s best for you.
Marketo Certified Expert
First and foremost, the Marketo Certified Expert (MCE) certification is the gold standard in the industry. Those working in marketing should earn it, especially employees who are part of a Marketo user group already.
The earlier you earn this certification the more it benefits you in the long run. And regardless of which certification fits your career goals, the MCE is your starting point.
The MCE certification increases your potential to earn money, it makes your resume pop to recruiters, and is the most reliable asset to marketing departments the world over.
It’s a no-brainer. Becoming an MCE is best for everybody in the industry, not to mention it’s a prerequisite to the Marketo Certified Revenue Cycle Analyst, which we will get to in a minute.
The MCE is perfect for marketing coordinators, interns, marketing assistants, entry-level marketers, managers, and market data analysts. Like we said before, the sooner the better. This certification is for everyone.
Marketo Revenue Cycle Analyst
Let’s just say RCA for short. Managers and directors should be most interested in this certification.
If you’re leading or managing a marketing department or team, you have to know more than the basics of Marketo. You’ll want to master analytics and reporting as well.
As mentioned, you need to earn your MCE first. That is going to help you learn the Marketo system and set your foundation. And, if you intend to be a successful CMO, marketing VP, manager, director, et cetera, the RCA is what’s best for you.
Revenue cycle analysts make about $65k annually, according to Glassdoor. But a director or manager with Marketo experience earns, on average, about twice that (see figure below).
Data from 2016 Marketing Nation Summit, median annual salary of Marketo-experienced directors and managers.
An RCA certification is the best way to develop your career as a marketing team leader and expound your knowledge in marketing automation for the improvement of your marketing efforts.
Marketo Certified Consultant
This certification (MCC) is for those who have mastered Marketo and wish to use that mastery to enable their Marketo communities to be the best and most successful players in their marketspaces.
Beyond the analytics and reporting features closely associated with the RCA, the MCC is a skilled professional who wants to motivate consumers on how to strategize and improve their businesses.
An MCC is someone who can strategize marketing efforts by establishing well-defined goals. They know how to monitor key metrics to measure success, and have the desire to reach new markets while retaining the loyalty and trust of existing clients.
The previous certifications are to help the user master Marketo, and MCCs are those who want to use their knowledge to help others do the same for their businesses. Any and all marketing consultants should have this tool in their toolbox.